Congrats to John Spink, our 600th backer so far!!! And additional congrats to all of our new Associate Producers out there, including one who is a comic writer/filmmaker himself, flying out to LA to sell his own feature right now, who said, “… my absolute pleasure … I know how tough it is. Best of luck hitting the rest of the total, man.” Talk about building your karmic bank account!!!
And then … while I was at the gym today a GI-NOR-MOUS donation-bomb hit, increasing the total by a staggering amount … I’m pretty sure people must’ve thought I’d torn a major muscle group or something, as “freaking-out” doesn’t even come close to describing what happened to me!!!
Add to that the hundreds of donations, big and small from everyone … I hate to use the “A-Word,” but it really is amazing, you guys!!! I have been absolutely overcome by your kind words and sincere expressions for the success of The Price, so much so that I wanted to share a few with you:
Cap’n Snowpea says:
I read the story last night and almost cried (I am owned by several housecats). I gave my felines a hug and decided to kick in a share. Go, Christopher, GO!
Max Peterson says:
I’m definitely looking forward to seeing this made! As my next two paychecks come in, I’ll pledge more. My personal goal: pledge $150!
There is a warm place in my heart for you, Christopher. Best of luck!
ArdRhi says:
Christopher, I couldn’t help but be moved when I saw this project. Partly because of the story, true, but partly because of the medium. Since I was disabled 4 years ago, comic art has become the way I have been able to reach out and express myself most effectively. I’ve had to overcome a lot of obstacles, but it’s the one medium that has lent itself to the particular mix of restrictions I have. This project resonates with something very important in myself, and I’m very glad to support it.
And on and on they go … I have never met most of you, and yet the kindness and positivity is like a warm, wonderful tidal wave that keeps flowing and flowing! And everyone says, without fail, that this is their very favorite of Neil’s short stories, and that is exactly the same reason why I was so captivated by The Price: I loved the theme of redemption … it was a chance to design some really cool monsters … and I love cats too, so really it was win-win-win!
Look for some really great new interviews and postings to feature The Price coming in the near future; we’ve added a “Media” tab on the site’s nav bar to help you find links to many of these. And I hope you’ll keep in mind that despite the wonderful success so far, I still need all of your help! Please keep Tweeting, Blogging, Emailing and telling your friends & family about The Price, and we’ll ALL be screaming like wild-men/women come December 1st!!! IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
This is shaping up to be a seriously high quality adaptation, paced lento and considered, as the source requires – and indeed deserves. With the boost of support on the author’s blog the project appears now to have every chance of reaching its funding target. I really hope it does. Christopher Salmon appears very talented, original and creative, as well as profoundly committed to his dream.